
Perniagaan Senang Jadi Sdn Bhd is committed to the protection of your Personal Data and takes the matter of protecting your privacy as high priority. This Privacy Policy explains general terms on how we collect, use and protect the privacy of your Personal Data under various privacy laws to which we are subjected to. In this document, “we” or “us” refers to Perniagaan Senang Jadi Sdn Bhd.

Our registered office is at TB 2198 Taman Anson, Jalan Kuara, 91000 Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia.

Please read this Privacy Policy to understand how we will collect and use your Personal Data and the rights you have in relation to your Personal Data. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date above and may vary from time to time so please check it regularly. By visiting our website and using our products and services, you acknowledge the terms of this Privacy Policy together with our Terms and Conditions and the use and disclosure of your Personal Data as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data

“Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.The types of Personal Data that we collect directly from you or from third parties depend on the circumstances of collection and on the nature of the service requested or transaction undertaken. It may include:
a) personal information that links back to an individual;
b) contact information;
c) payment information;
d) travel information;
e) health information;
f) technical information; and
g) statistical data.

Collecting Personal Data

We may collect and receive Personal Data directly from you or from your authorised representatives, from third parties (e.g., service providers) or the Personal Data of your relatives or principal where you disclose same on their behalf, including when you:
(a) use any of our services;
(b) use or access our Website, particularly when completing the “check out form” section during the purchase of our products;
(c) communicate with us such as by email, telephone, in writing or through our customer services pages or social media platforms; or
(d) register, create or modify an online account with us.We may also collect your Personal Data from publicly available sources through our Website and other channels including third party providers or our subcontractors where you have consented to providing your Personal Data to them or where we subcontract them to assist us in providing services to you. Where another person makes purchases on your behalf, you undertake and will ensure that you have authorized the disclosure of your Personal Data and are aware of the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

Where you disclose Personal Data on behalf of another person, you undertake and will ensure that the individual whose Personal Data is supplied to Perniagaan Senang Jadi Sdn Bhd has authorized the disclosure, is informed of and consents to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice. Where the disclosure if in respect of a child’s Personal Data, you should do as only as the parent or legal guardian of that child and enter into relevant contracts on behalf of that child.

Use of Personal Data

We may use your Personal Data for the following purposes:
a) to enable us to provide our services and perform our obligations to you;
b) to process any commercial transaction;
c) to protect the safety and well-being of yourself and/or other customers;
d) to investigate and respond to claims and inquiries from you;
e) for business development purposes such as statistical and marketing analysis, systems testing, maintenance and development, customer surveys, customer relations or to help us in any future dealings with you, for example by identifying your requirements and preference;
f) to comply with any legal or regulatory requirements;
g) to communicate promotions, offers, product, services and information on products and activities or other notifications; and/or
h) to operate our competitions, promotions and events via our newsletters and other communications offered by Perniagaan Senang Jadi Sdn Bhd.

Legal on personal data

There are a number of different ways that we are lawfully able to process your Personal Data. We have set these out below. Where using your Personal Data is necessary for us to carry out our obligations under our contract with youWe are allowed to use your Personal Data when it is necessary to do so for the performance of our contract with you. Where processing is necessary for us to carry out our legal obligationsAs well as our obligations to you under any contract, we also have other legal obligations that we need to comply with and we are allowed to use your Personal Data when we need to in order to comply with those other legal obligations. Where using your data is in our legitimate interestsWe are allowed to use your Personal Data where it is in our interests to do so, and those interests aren’t outweighed by any potential prejudice to you.
We believe that our use of your Personal Data is within a number of our legitimate interests, including but not limited to:
• To enable us to provide our services to our customers;
• To help us satisfy our legal;
• To help us understand our customers better and provide better, more relevant services to them; and
• To help us keep our systems and physical premises secure We don’t think that any of the activities set out in this Privacy Policy will prejudice you in any way. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your Personal Data on this basis. Simply send us an email to privacy@senangjadi.com.

Your rights

You have various rights in relation to the Personal Data which we hold about you. We have described these below. To get in touch with us about any of these rights, please contact us at:
Business Integrity Department, Perniagaan Senang Jadi Sdn Bhd, TB 2198 Taman Anson, Jalan Kuara, 91000 Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. privacy@senangjadi.com

We will seek to deal with your request without undue delay, and in any event within one month (subject to any extensions to which we are lawfully entitled). Please note that we may keep a record of your communications to help us resolve any issues which you raise.

Right to object

This right enables you to object to us processing your Personal Data where we do so for one of the following reasons:
• because it is in our legitimate interests to do so (for further information please see below);
• to enable us to perform a task in the public interest or exercise official authority;
• to send you direct marketing materials; or
• for scientific, historical, research, or statistical purposes.

Right to withdraw consent

Where we have obtained your consent to process your Personal Data for certain activities (for example, for marketing), you may withdraw this consent at any time and we will cease to use your data for that purpose unless we consider that there is an alternative legal basis to justify our continued processing of your data for this purpose, in which case we will inform you of this condition.In particular, you may elect to stop receiving promotional activities by:
(a) unsubscribing from the mailing list;
(b) editing the relevant account settings to unsubscribe; or
(c) sending a request to privacy@senangjadi.com

Data Subject Access Requests

You may ask us for a copy of the information we hold about you at any time, and request us to modify, update or delete such information. If we provide you with access to the information we hold about you, we will not charge you for this unless permitted by law. If you request further copies of this information from us, we may charge you a reasonable administrative cost. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request. If we refuse your request we will always tell you the reasons for doing so.

Right to erasure

You have the right to request that we “erase” your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Normally, this right exists where:• The data are no longer necessary;• You have withdrawn your consent to us using your data, and there is no other valid reason for us to continue;• The data has been processed unlawfully;• It is necessary for the data to be erased in order for us to comply with our obligations under law; or• You object to the processing and we are unable to demonstrate overriding legitimate grounds for our continued processing. We would only be entitled to refuse to comply with your request for erasure in limited circumstances and we will always tell you our reason for doing so.When complying with a valid request for the erasure of data we will take all reasonably practicable steps to delete the relevant data.

Right to restrict processing

You have the right to request that we restrict our processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances, for example if you dispute the accuracy of the Personal Data that we hold about you or you object to our processing of your Personal Data for our legitimate interests. If we have shared your Personal Data with third parties, we will notify them about the restricted processing unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate effort. We will, of course, notify you before lifting any restriction on processing your Personal Data.

Right to rectification

You have the right to request that we rectify any inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data that we hold about you. If we have shared this Personal Data with third parties, we will notify them about the rectification unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate effort. You may also request details of the third parties that we have disclosed the inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data to. Where we think that it is reasonable for us not to comply with your request, we will explain our reasons for this decision. In particular, you may update or make amendments to your Personal Data, you may email your request to privacy@senangjadi.com

Right of data portability

If you wish, you have the right to transfer your Personal Data between service providers. In effect, this means that you are able to transfer the details we hold on you to another third party. To allow you to do so, we will provide you with your data in a commonly used machine-readable format so that you can transfer the data. Alternatively, we may directly transfer the data for you.

Right to complain

You have the right to lodge a complaint with our regulator, who is the Commissioner of Personal Data Protection in Malaysia.

Disclosure of Personal Data

We will not trade or sell your Personal Data to third parties. Your Personal Data shall only be disclosed or transferred to the following third parties appointed or authorised by the Company, who may be located within or outside Malaysia:
a) our other affiliates and subsidiaries where it is necessary to facilitate your purchase;
b) credit card verification providers,
c) data warehouse;
d) IT service providers;
e) data analytics and/or marketing agency;
f) other third parties in order to process your commercial transactions;
g) legal bodies as permitted or required by law such as in compliance with a warrant or subpoena issued by a court of competent jurisdiction; and/or
h) customs, immigration or other regulatory authorities applicable to you; and/or
i) safety and security personnel. In addition to the above, your Personal Data may also be disclosed or transferred to any of the Company’s actual and potential assignee, transferee or acquirer (within or outside Malaysia) (including our affiliates and subsidiaries) of our business, assets or group companies, or in connection with any corporate restructuring or exercise including the our restructuring to transfer the business, assets and/or liabilities. We shall take practical steps to ensure that their employees, officers, agents, consultants, contractors and such other third parties mentioned above who are involved in the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data will observe and adhere to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Storing Personal Data

We will store your Personal Data in the country in which we are based (i.e. Malaysia). As discussed above, we may also disclose your Personal Data to our group companies and their service providers located in Malaysia and elsewhere. We want to make sure that your Personal Data is stored and transferred in a way which is secure.

Retaining Personal Data

We will not retain your Personal Data longer than necessary for the purposes for which they are collected. However, relevant Personal Data may be retained subject to the conditions below:
(a) as and when required under legislation; or
(b) where legal actions have arisen and are pending.
(c) commercial/operational purposes


If you still have inquiries or complaints in relation to our handling of your Personal Data or our Privacy Policy or wish to exercise any of your rights as described above, please contact us via the details as described below: Chief Privacy Officer,TB 2198 Taman Anson, Jalan Kuara, 91000 Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. privacy@senangjadi.com